Tell Me by Sir Travis Knight

Toronto Music Archive


Travis Knight

a talented and underrated artist from the Lotherton community, also known as "The Village" in Toronto, has a unique background as the son of a pastor in a Pentecostal church. This backstory sheds light on the direction of his music, offering a refreshing change from the more commonly heard narratives from Scarborough or Mississauga. One of his singles, "Tell Me," particularly caught my attention. What sets Travis apart is not only his vocal prowess but also the soulful depth he brings to his performance. His voice, gliding seamlessly through light melodics and a heavy bass line, creates an impactful and immersive experience. The distinctive drum groove immediately grabs your attention, setting the stage for the beautiful vocal layers that construct a serene atmosphere. It's a sound that resonates, offering a departure from the ordinary. Travis Knight's musical style carries a fusion of Sam Smith's vocal finesse and SZA's beat selection. It's a delightful mix that infuses soul and passion into his work, qualities that are often hard to come by in today's music landscape dominated by hype and numbers.


Travis goes beyond the mic, showcasing his creativity in the cover art for his single. The simplicity and straightforwardness of the black-and-white aesthetic, coupled with clean, legible text, demonstrate precision and a keen artistic sensibility reminiscent of John Legend's approach. Personally, I usually prefer cover art without text, but Travis has managed to execute it with such finesse that it becomes a highlight. While "Tell Me" has undoubtedly made an impact, it's clear that Travis Knight is still in the process of building his discography. This song serves as a promising introduction, leaving me eager to see the artistic trajectory he chooses for future releases. The potential for growth and exploration within his music is palpable, and I anticipate that each subsequent release will contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of Travis Knight's musical identity. In a music landscape driven by instant judgments and trends, Travis's commitment to soulful storytelling and artistic precision is a breath of fresh air. I look forward to tuning in to his next release, eager to witness the continued evolution of his sound and the stories he has yet to share with his audience.

Written by Maxim Bayarsky
